Publications on Relativistic Positioning

  • [DOI] M. L. Ruggiero, A. Tartaglia, and L. Casalino, “Geometric definition of emission coordinates,” Adv. space res., vol. 69, p. 4221–4227, 2022.
    author = "Ruggiero, Matteo Luca and Tartaglia, Angelo and Casalino, Lorenzo",
    title = "{Geometric definition of emission coordinates}",
    eprint = "2111.13423",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "gr-qc",
    doi = "10.1016/j.asr.2022.04.011",
    journal = "Adv. Space Res.",
    volume = "69",
    pages = "4221--4227",
    year = "2022"
  • [DOI] A. Tartaglia, D. Lucchesi, M. L. Ruggiero, and P. Valko, “How to use the Sun-Earth Lagrange points for fundamental physics and navigation,” Gen. rel. grav., vol. 50, p. 9, 2018.
    author = "Tartaglia, Angelo and Lucchesi, David and Ruggiero,
    Matteo Luca and Valko, Pavol",
    title = "{How to use the Sun-Earth Lagrange points for fundamental physics and navigation}",
    journal = "Gen. Rel. Grav.",
    volume = "50",
    pages = "9",
    year = "2018",
    doi = "10.1007/s10714-017-2332-6",
    eprint = "1701.08217",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "gr-qc",
    SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = ARXIV:1701.08217;%%"
  • [DOI] A. Tartaglia, M. L. Ruggiero, and E. Capolongo, “A null frame for spacetime positioning by means of pulsating sources,” Adv. space res., vol. 47, pp. 645-653, 2011.
    author = "Tartaglia, Angelo and Ruggiero, Matteo Luca and Capolongo,
    title = "{A null frame for spacetime positioning by means of
    pulsating sources}",
    journal = "Adv. Space Res.",
    volume = "47",
    year = "2011",
    pages = "645-653",
    eprint = "1001.1068",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "gr-qc",
    doi = "10.1016/j.asr.2010.10.023",
    SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = 1001.1068;%%"
  • [DOI] D. Bini, A. Geralico, M. L. Ruggiero, and A. Tartaglia, “Emission vs Fermi coordinates: applications to relativistic positioning systems,” Class. quant. grav., vol. 25, p. 205011, 2008.
    author = "Bini, Donato and Geralico, Andrea and Ruggiero, Matteo Luca
    and Tartaglia, Angelo",
    title = "{Emission vs Fermi coordinates: applications to
    relativistic positioning systems}",
    journal = "Class. Quant. Grav.",
    volume = "25",
    year = "2008",
    pages = "205011",
    eprint = "0809.0998",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "gr-qc",
    doi = "10.1088/0264-9381/25/20/205011",
    SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = 0809.0998;%%"
  • A. Tartaglia, M. L. Ruggiero, and E. Capolongo, “A relativistic navigation system for space,” Acta futura, vol. 4, pp. 33-40, 2011.
    author = "Tartaglia, Angelo and Ruggiero, Matteo Luca and Capolongo,
    title = "{A relativistic navigation system for space}",
    journal = "Acta Futura",
    volume = "4",
    year = "2011",
    pages = "33-40",
    eprint = "1109.6201",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "gr-qc",
    SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = 1109.6201;%%"
  • [DOI] M. L. Ruggiero, E. Capolongo, and A. Tartaglia, “Pulsars as celestial beacons to detect the motion of the Earth,” Int. j. mod. phys., vol. D20, pp. 1025-1038, 2011.
    author = "Ruggiero, Matteo Luca and Capolongo, Emiliano and
    Tartaglia, Angelo",
    title = "{Pulsars as celestial beacons to detect the motion of the
    journal = "Int. J. Mod. Phys.",
    volume = "D20",
    year = "2011",
    pages = "1025-1038",
    eprint = "1011.0065",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "gr-qc",
    doi = "10.1142/S0218271811019256",
    SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = 1011.0065;%%"
  • [DOI] M. L. Ruggiero and A. Tartaglia, “Mapping Cartesian Coordinates into Emission Coordinates: some Toy Models,” Int. j. mod. phys., vol. D17, pp. 311-326, 2008.
    author = "Ruggiero, Matteo Luca and Tartaglia, Angelo",
    title = "{Mapping Cartesian Coordinates into Emission Coordinates:
    some Toy Models}",
    journal = "Int. J. Mod. Phys.",
    volume = "D17",
    year = "2008",
    pages = "311-326",
    eprint = "0710.0788",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "gr-qc",
    doi = "10.1142/S0218271808012024",
    SLACcitation = "%%CITATION = 0710.0788;%%"